Thursday, March 5, 2009


Okay I have had a few people tell me to update my blog already, so here goes. We actually haven't been up to a whole lot lately. Other then being sick, I made the deans list at school for the last trimester. I still have a 4.0 GPA, and I am hoping to keep it this way for the rest of the time I am in school and graduate with high honors. So wish me luck! I am currently taking Anatomy and Physiology, it is a pretty tough class. I am kind of worried about what my final grade will be with this one?
Tyler is still working at IFA and loving it. He is trying to find a second job so if any of you know of a good part time job please let us know.
Ayden is in pre-school again. He loves going this time. He cries a little when we drop him off, but the teacher tells us he only cries for a few minutes and then he starts to have the time of his life. He is so excited to tell us all about what he did and the friends he has made. He is starting to talk very well. I can actually understand a good majority of what he says.
Jennika is getting very big and very smart. She is climbing all over the place and she can even say a few words now. She calls everybody "daddy", I am slowly trying to get her to call me mommy, and she sometimes calls me "mama". She is just getting too smart for her own good. She is quite a little bully to Ayden as well. She will do stuff to him just to make him mad. It is so funny sometimes, but for the most part it is just driving me nuts!

This is me and Tyler in Park City.

Ayden was putting stickers on his "owies". It was so funny. He doesn't really have any on his face.

This kid can sleep anywhere. I also have pictures of her slepping on the floor under the kitchen table. It was so cute!
Well there is my update. Enjoy!!!


Deb and Stan said...

YAY! If I don't see my kids (I mean ALL of you!) every day, I go into withdrawals!

The Wilson Crew said...

congrats on your high honor. Keep up the good work. Your kids are so cute.

Chelsea said...

I'm glad you are doing well. Your kids are adorable. I wish Easton would fall asleep anywhere!

matesen said...

Good job on school! Your kids are so cute! I hope you are coming down to Delta for Easter this year-it would be fun to see you!