Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Park City!!!

Tyler's mom kept the kids, and me and Tyler and our friend Jordan all went up to Park City for my birthday. It was SOOOO much fun!! We went shopping, and to the Olympic Park, and walked up and down Main Street, and just hung out. It was the best birthday I have had in a long time. Thank you so much hubby for taking me!


Deb and Stan said...

Yesterday I missed you guys and today I miss your kids! It sure is quiet around here! Glad you had a good time, so did we! Kiss my babies!

Jackee said...

That looks like lots of fun. Happy Birthday! I'm glad you were able to celebrate it with your hubby.

matesen said...

Happy late birthday! It looks like you had so much fun!

Tonto and E-rock! said...

ya... thanks for calling us! you big jerks... you owe us dinner by the way! my dad was all set and expecting us to all go over.. so sometime we need too! love ya