(Sorry about the pic, she was not in a very good mood)
Name's and their meaning's: Ayden is Gaelic and it means "little fire" that explains a lot huh?
Jennika is American and the website I went to says that her name doesn't have a meaning.
Ages: Ayden is 4 and Jennika is 1
Nicknames: Ayden: Little man, buddy, gooby
Jennika: Sweetie pie, baby girl, Jinky bear, Junky bear
Favorite activities: Ayden: Playing cars, trains, riding bikes, and going for walks
Jennika: Playing outside, following her brother around and making him mad, climbing on
things, and just getting into trouble
Favorite foods: Both of my kids will eat anything that I put in front of them.
Least favorite food: I have never had a problem with either of them not liking something
Favorite music: They are a little young, but Ayden loves this C.D. we have called "I've Got Joy" and Jennika likes blaloomp went the little green frog
Favorite Toys: Ayden loves cars, trains, bikes, trains, cars, cars, trains, get the point? Jennika likes baby dolls and cars and trains and bikes too
Favorite Book: They don't really have favorites
Favorite Item of Clothing: Ayden loves all of his clothes that have "Thomas the Tank Engine" or "Cars" characters on them
What makes them happy? To cheer Ayden up you just have to mention trains and Jennika just needs a good snuggle to be happy
What makes them sad? They both hate it when they don't get their way or I tell them no
Funny words or phrases: I love it when Ayden tells me he went potty on the toilet all by himself and he tells me "Ayden awesome! Go potty on toilet!" Jennika doesn't really talk yet so I can't tell what she says that is funny
I tag Keri, Chelsea, Mariah, and Amber
Have fun bragging about your little ones as much as I did!!
Hey, what about favorite activity is going to GRAMMA'S????
Cute tag!
Cute tag, but thank you for not tagging me on this one. It would take me forever to do with six kids!
Hey you did it! Isn't it fun to brag about your kids? ;)
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