Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sorry it has been so long!

Sorry it has been so long since my last update! Here is what has been going on lately. Ayden just recently graduated from his second year of pre-school, he loved every minute of it and asks me every day if he can ride the bus and go to school. He is talking so much better now then he was even a month ago(not that he actually talks in front of anybody but me). :) He still loves riding bikes and watching the trains and going to gramma's house and the fun dirty things that boys his age like to do. Jennika is doing great. She is getting so big and is getting more and more independent as the days go by. She is such a tom boy! It drives me nuts some days. She will pick a truck to play with over a baby doll. I was really hoping for my baby to be a girly girl, but look at her mom. So I am just going to be happy with the way she is. :) School is going good for me. I finally got a smaller schedule for this month so it is gonna be a little easier for the next four weeks. I am still on the Dean's list, for now anyways. We will see how long that lasts. Tyler is doing good still working at IFA, he hopes to start school as soon as I am done but we will have to see how well that is going to work out for us. Here is some sad news, we had to get rid of our little dog Copper. He kept jumping up and biting the kids on the faces and hands and he just wasn't house training very well so we decided it would be best if we just got rid of him and try getting another dog later on in life when we are more settled and the kids are a little older. Goodbye Copper. :( Well here are some recent pics of us on our latest adventures.

I have told you before that this kid can sleep anywhere and in any position, this is the proof.

Her very first hair cut. I know it isn't a good picture but it is the only one I was able to get.

The kids in the bath tub. They sure do LOVE tubby time.

I absolutely LOVE this picture! They were being so cute together.

We also went to my sister Brittany's house in Richfield a couple days ago, and this is the only picture I got while we were there. It is Jennika and McKylie in the bathtub together. Jennika is one month and one day younger then Kylie. She looks a lot bigger in this picture because she is sitting up on her knees and Kylie isn't. They are actually really close in size.

1 comment:

Deb and Stan said...

So DANG cute! I miss my babies! Kayston wants to have another sleep over with "just Ayden"!