Ayden had to have his tonsils taken out on September second and he did really well. They said his tonsils were EXTREMELY large for a three year old. He also had his adenoids removed and they told us that they too were EXTREMELY large and blocking most of his airway and his inner ears. We had his adenoids removed a couple years ago and they can apparently grow back and they did, about three times larger then they were supposed to be! So we have to go back in a couple of years and we might need to have them removed again! Poor kid huh? He was a real trooper though. They said that about four five and six days after the surgery would be the hardest but he did so well. I am very proud of him!
Well, Tyler and I have been married for 8 years. We have three beautiful kids, Ayden who is eight, Jennika who is five, and Declan is 4 months. We are currently living in Provo. Tyler is working for J&J Oil Operations. I am still a stay at home mom.
Poor Kid! That's a lot to go through for a three year old!
Gramma loves her some Deeders!
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