I just wanted to let you know what the kids have been up to lately. Ayden is doing great. We still have not heard about when he will start pre-school again, but I will let you all know when we do. Ayden loves to play on the computer as you can see and he is actually pretty good at it. He is still obsessed with Thomas the Train, but his new favorite movies are actually "The Aristocats" and "Peter Pan". Jennika is getting so big! She is going to be 1 in less then two weeks. Can you believe it? She thinks she is SO big. She is walking all over the place and she is starting to try and run now. It is so stinking cute. She refuses to eat baby food because she thinks she is a "big girl", she is also not on formula anymore and i don't think she is too fond of regular milk yet. Well that is all for now.
Such cute kids! I hope you guys are doing well! Hope to see you sometime soon!
Hey Babe! I miss you guys! I can't believe how big the kids are getting. Call me sometime so we can catch up. Love you!
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