My mom and dad got the kids a bunk bed for Christmas, I know it is kind of early for a Christmas present but we needed to do something different with their room. The bed is a twin on top and full on bottom. Ayden got the top and Jennika got the bottom, for safety reasons, obviously. The top picture is obviously the bed itself, the second one is Jennika's bedding. She got the Disney Princess blanket and sheets . The last picture is of Ayden's new Thomas the Tank Engine bedding. He absolutely LOVES his new bed! They both do, Jennika got her bed for the first time and started to kiss the princesses and she didn't want to get off. Ayden just would not get off his bed at all. He has spent most of the day just down playing on his bed. Jennika got quite upset when we were carrying her crib outside. It made me feel so bad, she was just screaming. But she got over it when we showed her her new princess blanket. Plus now their bedroom has enough space in it to put some of their hundreds of toys down there. It makes my living room look so much bigger, but now I have the Christmas tree in here and it is taking up quite a bit of my corner. I will post some pictures of that when we get lights to put on it. I went to put my lights on it today and realized I only had one 12 foot strand for a 7 1/2 foot tall tree. Plus when I plugged them in they didn't work. So right now there is just a really big naked tree in my living room! :) Love to all and Happy Holidays!
Way cute beds! I'm anxious to see how J-bird's first night in her new bed went! Cat' wait to see your Christmas tree!
So much fun! That's great that they love their beds.
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