Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Okay so here is a more recent update. Tyler is still at IFA and loving it. He is now the warehouse manager as well as over the dog food and fencing.
I am still a stay at home mom and loving every minute of it. These kids sure know how to keep me busy!
Ayden will be graduating from pre-school on Wednesday the 28th. He is talking SO much better now, pre-school has been a wonderful, wonderful thing for him. Not only is he talking better but he is getting better at sharing and listening too. He has made some amazing progress in the last few weeks. He loves to play outside and ride bikes. He also LOVES Thomas the Train! We are going to the Heber Valley Railroad this weekend for a Day out with Thomas. He gets to have his picutre taken with Sir Topamhat, and they are gonna have all kinds of fun activities and games for him to play. He is SO excited!
Jennika is now almost eight months old, and getting too big! She is sitting up on her own and she has FOUR teeth now. Last night she pulled herself up for the first time. She was sitting in the tub and I was leaning over the side. She looked up at me, grabbed my shirt and the next thing I knew she was standing up in front of me! It is amazing how fast time flies by and how quickly these babies turn into toddlers! She is such a mommies girl. I love it! She is trying so hard to crawl. She just can't quite figure it out though. She is getting so playful and full of energy. She is such a wonderful baby. We love our beautiful kids so much. I couldn't have asked for a better family.

1 comment:

Kate said...

awe, I miss you guys! you are so cute! I cannot wait to see you!!!!